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What should I do if I am in an accident?
Regardless of how minor you think the accident is, you should always report it to the police. Write down names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses in case you need them later, and make sure the police officer gives you a copy of the driver exchange information form.


When do I need to contact an attorney?
The best time to consult with an attorney is as soon as possible after any accident, while the details are still fresh in your mind. An early consultation will allow the attorney to conduct the most thorough investigation, which can only strengthen your case. By contacting our office soon after an accident, we can help verify that you - as the victim of someone's negligence - understand all of your rights under Florida law.


What should I bring to the initial consultation?
You should bring any and all records associated with your case including: police reports; medical records; incident reports; medical bills; photographs; and any other documentation related to your accident.


What is a deposition?
A deposition is a statement given under oath, usually done in a lawyer's office, before a court reporter. Witnesses called to testify in a deposition answer questions given by the attorneys representing both parties in a case. The court reporter produces a written transcript of everything said at the deposition and the witnesses sign the transcript, swearing it to be an accurate rendition of the evidence given under oath.

How long will my case take?
Generally, most cases should not be settled until after you have reached what is known as Maximum Medical Improvement, or MMI. This determination is made by your treating physicians and not your attorney. MMI is that point in your treatment when your physician believes you have reached a plateau in the healing process, and he expects you will not improve with further medical treatment. Therefore, it could take anywhere from 4 months to several years depending upon the severity of the injuries, complexity of the case, and the amount of litigation involved before your case is resolved.

What is my case worth?
Every case is unique and the amount of any eventual settlement or jury award will vary greatly. Before an accurate determination of the value of your case can be made, your doctors must determine that you have reached maximum medical improvement, and your attorney must have a thorough understanding of your course of medical treatment, your current condition and your future prognosis. Additionally, your legal representative must have an opportunity to completely investigate the details of the accident and ample time to analyze the accident's impact on your wage-earning ability and on your lifestyle, both now and in the future.


Will my case go to trial if we do have to file suit?
While most personal injury lawsuits are settled before trial, our office prepares for every case as if it might ultimately be decided by a jury. We strongly believe in being prepared in the event that an agreement cannot be reached, and we leave no stone unturned to ensure a positive result for our clients. We will aggressively pursue resolution, so that the process does not become unduly difficult, burdensome or expensive.

What is a mediation?
A mediation is a conference that takes place prior to trial. The parties appear with their lawyers before an impartial mediator. The role of the mediator is to try to get the parties to reach a settlement. If the parties do not reach a settlement agreement, the case then proceeds to trial.


    The Law Offices of Alfred C. Barrera & Associates, L.L.C.    
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2790 U.S. 90 Phone: 504-309-3091
Avondale, LA 70094 Fax: 504-436-4642

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